A collection of my neocities neighbors and sites that personally inspire me. If you’re a neighbor and want to be included on this site, send me a message or comment on my site.

If you want to link to my site, you can use this button (Please no hotlinking, save it to your site!):


A button with flashing letters that spell out “cattnep” A rat emoji on a dark purple background. The text reads “cavern of rememberance” A button with a gray anthropomorphic mouse. The text reads “DETHL” A pink button with an outline of a dragon on it. The text reads “dragon shores” A button with kale on the background. The text reads “Kalechips”. A drawing of a pink, spherical cat on a rainbow background. A sketch with the text “Owl’s Roost” next to it. An animated multi-eyed feathered being with animated text that reads “roccie” next to it. A green button with dark green text on it that reads “NATHUB” A dark gray button with a blue circle on it. Inside the blue circle is a rotating 8-pointed star. There is white text next to the circle that reads “VM’s Numbers Station”


A button with a black background and various colored shapes on it. “Frills” is written in a pink and playful text. A white pegasus with sparkles surrounding it. On its back is written “Lost Letters” An animated button with an anthropomorphic cat jumping into frame. The text reads “Nonkiru” A drawing of the voicebank Kafu and the virtual singer Kaf